The term “mold” is usually used to describe a variety of fungi, which is a species of microscopic organisms. Their widespread presence benefits the outdoors since they decompose dead trees and leaves. Yet, these fungi can multiply rapidly and alarmingly indoors in wet environments, where they release spores. Substantial mold spores floating in the air can affect people’s health.
An infestation of mold in your commercial or residential property is one of the worst things. A mold infestation can quickly transform your ideal home into a suffocating nightmare. Apart from creating an intolerable indoor environment, a business or residential mold infestation poses a severe health risk for anyone affected.
Mold Exposure-Related Symptoms
Molds are believed to be responsible for causing various illnesses in people and animals. An allergy can cause adverse effects on health to mold, the development of disease-causing molds within your body, or consumption or inhalation of mycotoxins produced by molds. Here are the indicators that indicate that you might have been exposed to mold.
1. Headache and Sensitivity to Light
Headaches are often caused by various health issues, making the diagnosis difficult. Many factors contribute to the problem, including your diet, posture, stress levels, and the amount of sleep. A frequent headache can raise concerns, particularly if it is associated with flu-like symptoms. This is especially the case if headaches resist medications for pain. Patients with migraines may exhibit heightened sensitivity to light as a warning indicator. But it’s a sign of trouble even if you don’t experience migraines.
2. Stiffness and Joint Pains
Certain people suffer from mold allergies. The autumn season is the best moment to notice the symptoms. This is because the decomposing leaf leaves emit mold spores into the air. A few antihistamines and lifestyle adjustments can assist. However, mold can create a more severe condition known as chronic inflammatory reaction syndrome (CIRS). The variety of symptoms puzzles medical professionals. Joint pain is a sign of rheumatism. However, your doctor will perform blood tests to rule it out. If you’re aware of it, you’re also advised to inform your doctor that mold is starting to appear in your home.
3. Fatigue and Weakness
Insomnia and fatigue aren’t enough evidence to be caused by mold alone. These symptoms and signs can be interlinked with any other character that might shed light on the cause. Does your work or home suffer from water damage? Maybe you notice some discoloration around the vents. These are perfect breeding grounds for mold. If you have this kind of problem with your home or business, avail of services of water damage restoration, like Puroclean. You can learn more about Puroclean by checking their website.
If mold spores escape through the air, they can cause health issues for susceptible people. Perhaps you suffer from chronic respiratory or sinus infections. If you’re also tired, this can warrant visiting the doctor.
4. Red Eyes and Vision Problems
Eyes that are red and blurred signify exposure to an irritation. However, it can also be an early warning system of a potential problem in a building you frequently use. The remediation and restoration experts will find the cause of the mold while your doctor will check for mycotoxins within your body. If your doctor can exclude mold exposure as an explanation and treat the reason, they have a greater chance of treating the actual cause of your symptoms.
5. Poor Memory and Concentration
The effects of anxiety or diet may affect memory and focus. However, if your “brain fog’ is very severe, the body is trying to tell you something. Insomnia or confusion over essential words is a few examples. You might have suffered from mold if shortness of breath or rashes is present. However, they can also be indicators that your air is not as clean. Recognizing patterns of symptoms that might suggest mold as the source is essential.